2012 will be an interesting year and if I had the time or inclination I would spend it smirking at all the apocalyptical loonies I meet and are preparing for Armageddon - based on some coke-headed Mayan's prediction - but I have neither the time, inclination nor even the slightest interest. Well, that's not entirely true. I admit to having some interest otherwise I would not be commenting.
I was watching a TV documentary about the Ramtha Sect in the States and how their self-proclaimed messiah Ms J Z Knight (multi-millionairess - botox-inflated ego and lips) is gathering followers at an alarming rate. The sect is now present in France and is hell-bent on spreading, like a plague of ignorance, throughout the world.
Ms Knight's advert poster - yeah, right! |
The real Ms Knight - what a difference! Deception on display |
I am amazed at how gullible the followers are - how infantile and helpless they seem. Low intelligence and a dangerous lack of common sense are the conditions responsible, I know, but still.
Adults and children - yes, even children - are being brainwashed by the predatorial Ms Knight into parting with huge amounts of money in exchange for spiritual guidance on how to survive the imminent Armageddon. These 'lambs-to-slaughter' followers are led to believe they are the chosen few who will re-populate the Earth after Judgement Day. And I bet some of you thought only the Jehova's Witnesses had such elitist beliefs.
As the followers get more and more detached from reality and their hard-earned cash, Ms Knight gets richer and richer. Sounds familiar?
You would have thought these people would be capable of reading about similar sects in the past and take heed. Read about the terrible consequences that befell followers of other sects, but hey, I'm expecting too much from those with so little.
Jonestown mass suicide |
The Waco tragedy |
Maybe they can't read. Maybe they're too stupid and deserve to be ripped off. Maybe I'm being too harsh. Maybe I'm not.
Unlike these poor souls, I remember reading about Waco and Jim Jones in Guyana, along with other countless sects that have brought misery and death to many a follower.
'Messiah' Jim Jones managed to instruct 914 men women and children, back in 1978, to commit suicide.
At Waco back in 1993 'Messiah' David Koresh instigated the destruction of 74 followers.
We all know there will be other sects in the future, other 'messiahs' ready to influence the weak-minded sections of society into parting with their cash and sometimes their lives. Sadly, some of the victims will be children, who'se greatest tragedy is having parents too weak and stupid to have had children.
Ignorance and blind faith fueling exploitation - same old story.
Moving on, I did promise humour in my posts, so here it is.
General Custer, making his last stand at the Battle Of Longhorn. He is the sole survivor, surrounded by thousands of Indians when the Fairy Godmother appears.
'Make a wish General'
'Get me out of here now'
'No can do General - anything but that. And whatever you wish for each Indian will get twice as much. Take it or leave it'
'OK, give me a glass eye'