Thursday 7 March 2013

100 Words: When the people I love fall in love with people I love

Having a large group of friends in a small town - as I do - means that often someone is falling in or out of love, at times within the group. The dynamics change constantly.

Most of time it is heart-warming to see people I love falling in love with people I love. Some problems can arise when a couple fall out and one doesn't know how to appease both parties.

But in one particular occasion, that heart-warming feeling gave way to heart-ache when, someone I cared for  more than I realised, fell in love with someone other than me. The perceived rejection stirred up hidden  emotions and made me question how solid a friendship can be when tainted with romantic undertones.

The price one has to pay to have friends of the opposite sex!



  1. This is always a complicated feeling isn't it? friendship with romantic undertones. Experienced this quite a few times myself.

  2. So true. Very difficult when couples who are friends split up.

    1. it's horrible Dicky, especially when one has to take sides
