Tuesday 22 February 2011

Simple but impressive

I read the following article recently and just had to share it with you.

“I went to the party, Mum. I went to the party, and did as you told me. You asked me not to drink alcohol, so I drank sprites.
I felt proud of myself, I didn’t want to drink and drive, contrary to what some friends were telling me.
I chose not to drink, and your advice was correct.
And when the party ended, and people began to drive off ... I went to my car, sure that I would get home safely ... I never knew what awaited me, mum ...
Now I'm lying in the street and I can hear the policeman say: "The kid that caused this accident was drunk," and Mum, his voice sounds so distant ...
There’s blood all around me and I'm trying not to cry ...
I can hear the paramedics say, "We’re loosing her" ...
I am sure that the drunk guy didn’t mean to cause the accident, but he chose to drink and drive, and now I am dying ...
So why do people do it, Mum? ... Knowing that it ruins lives.
The pain is terrible, it feels like I’m being cut to pieces ...
Tell my sister not to be afraid, Mum, tell Dad to be brave ...
Someone should have told that boy that it is wrong to drink and drive ...
Maybe if his parents had, I wouldn’t be dying ...
It’s getting harder to breathe, Mum and I am really getting scared ...
These are my final moments and I feel so desperate ...
I wish you could hold me Mum, while I'm lying here dying, I wish I could say I love you, mum ...
So ... I love you and goodbye ... "

The above words, uttered by a dying girl, were written by a reporter who witnessed the car accident and took notes.

The reporter, shocked by the experience, started a national campaign against drink-driving immediately after, in 2004.


  1. That is one of the main reasons I don't drink.

    I just don't understand how people can be so stupid to get behind the wheel of a car when they are under the influence!

    Some people just don't think about what they do.

  2. yeah Baxie, sadly the case. A wrong decision can ruin so many lives
