...a little boy was born to
mum & dad Mr and Mrs P. He was the second child (boy) and we will name him
Peartree Jr, to maintain anonymity.

Jr doing what he did best...
Peartree Jr was a happy, contented baby. Never one to moan or cry about anything (amazing how things change!) and to all intents and purposes, a 'normal' child.
He loved his food and soon piled on the pounds (which were promptly shed in infancy) and has ever since looked more like a runner bean than a man...not the colour, of course, just the outline.
Peartree Jr was a smart kid, always at the top of the class, and, to some, wrongly considered to be the "teachers pet".
can I go toilet Sir?
Mr & Mrs P decided to emigrate from Portugal to the UK when Jr was 12 years old. A decision that didn't go down too well at the time. Jr didn't speak English, but was thrown into a secondary school in Portobello, London, full of hooligans and foreigners. He felt so isolated that he used to have a daily routine of locking himself in the school toilet for half an hour and have a good cry. It was tough for Peartree Jr for a while. Even with a loving family and happy home he still felt out-of-place and homesick. That is, until he mastered the new language...about 18 months after arrival.
Peartree Jr was on form, excelled in his school work and was rewarded with "best school report" on his 3rd year! The prize was a £2 W H Smith voucher, which was invested in a Parker ball pen. Well you can imagine Mr & Mrs P's reaction. Proud as peacocks! Mr P carried Jr's report in his pocket for the next 6 months, showing it to anyone who gave him the time.
But Peartree Jr's early achievement backfired! You see, like so many teenage boys, Jr thought he knew it all! He thought homework was an unnecessary interruption to his daily life and decided not to bother. He was far too busy with his favourite past time of chasing girls and playing guitar.
Music was
the passion for Peartree Jr. So much so that he didn't care much for regular work. Employment was an annoying necessity that took too much of his time. Peartree Jr would dream of making it big in the music industry and believed it was only a matter of time before his name hit the music press.
Peartree Jr met up and worked with Trevor Murrell, great drummer then working with George Michael and Kim Wilde, to name but a few. Things were looking pretty good with the demo, an Australian singer was recruited, Debbie Thompson, and Trevor Murrell was ready to promote the first album. On Trevor's advice a cover version was planned as the first single, on the pretext that it is easier for a new act to launch a known cover than an original work.The choice of song was not to Peartree Jr's liking but, once again he had no choice but to go along with it. You know, established musician knows best type of thing.
The week before Trevor was due to fly to LA with the demo, Peartree Jr was driving to work when he heard the very same cover song, released by another band. Sick coincidence or what? A band from Manchester, The Brand New Heavies, had just released the same bloody song! "Midnight at the Oasis".
Needless to say the project had to be put on hold. Peartree Jr was devastated and decided enough was enough, sold off the musical equipment and decided to work on his career. After all he was not getting any younger and needed some stability in his life.
A major event disrupted Peartree Jr's life again. This time it was the death of his youngest brother Danny, who died tragically in a car accident.
Peartree Jr found himself once again finding refuge in the toilet and having a good cry...this time for a much more serious matter. Life would never be quite the same again.
It was time to change direction for Peartree Jr. He found himself questioning life and its meaning. Nothing made sense for a very long time after that... and the long journey from "indoctrinated" to "agnostic" began.
But...it was time to concentrate on work.
Ew...work...how so not Jr!
Nothing much happened after that for Peartree Jr. Life became a routine of work and family and time rushed by at a frightening rate of knots... until 3 years ago.
Peartree Jr decided it was time for a change of direction. The house was sold, packed in his job and off he went to his spiritual home in Portugal. A hasty new life was started with little preparation. Peartree Jr bought a 32 foot twin engined fishing boat with the idea of starting a sports fishing business (fishing being another one of Jr's passions) and started a new chapter in his life.
After a few setbacks with boat problems and lack of cash, Jr decided to return to the UK. Simple choice really. Time away had taught Jr a lesson or two and also that home is where the heart is - in his case, the UK.
The untimely death of Peartree Jr's other younger brother to a brain aneurysm, struck another massive blow. From having 3 brothers to just one seemed so unjust, so cruel so senseless. Both younger brothers had gone and taken a huge chunk off Peartree Jr's armour. The journey from "agnostic" to "atheist" gathered momentum.
Back in the UK , looking for work has proved a real downer for Jr. He thought it would be much easier to find work. Peartree Jr will never give up, there's so much more to do. He still has many beloved people in his life and a lot to look forward to. "Live life as if it is your last day" is his motto, because it may be...
September 28 - Birthday time! Here is Peartree Jr suited and booted for his special day.
Life seems to have gone full circle in a way for Peartree Jr. He is presently back to his old habit of locking himself in the toilet and having a good cry...this time, and again, for a very different reason.