I'm half way through completing a degree in Music Production and am absolutely loving every minute.
One more year and I will be a fully fledged Producer, doing what I love doing most and I can't wait.
Being at the academy learning from past legends of the music industry has been enlightening to say the least and befriending hundreds of student performers/producers/engineers/musicians will ensure I stay connected to these lovely people for future projects.
I have also started up a new venture to promote my music and can cheerfully inform you that
Peartree Music is now up an running.
The wonderful logo is courtesy of my nearest and dearest, Patrycia Pereira
Just in case anyone is perplexed by my arboreal choice of a company name, pear tree is simply the english translation of my surname and has absolutely nothing to do with the fact I live by Kew Gardens :)
I have been busy over the last few months with study, work, travel and setting up my home studio (see below).
It's all taking shape and composing/recording new music has become a pleasure and much easier with the right tools at hand.
I also managed to get married in that time.
from this...
...to this.
What a difference three years can make!
I am presently waiting anxiously for our honeymoon trip. Photos of all the interesting places we visit will follow in due course.
Bye for now